Friday 11 September 2015

Himalayan salt use for health & decoration

Today, when the technology is traveling at a very high pace, it has become very rare to use, or even find the natural products around. And when it comes to salt, then there is a huge criticism going on, on its effect to the human body. When you talk to a doctor about the salt intake, then he will ask you to avoid it as much as you can because higher sodium intake means higher blood pressure and other health issues including heart disease. Actually, the critics were trying to promote the anti-sodium campaigns for the past few years.

Why use Himalayan salt:  

thanks to the Himalayan salt that have emerged from the Himalayan Mountains with its mineral rich and pure nature. The Himalayan Salt is having 84 useful minerals and it comes mostly in a natural pink color that is because of the immense heat and pressure of the mountains and the mineral content. Due to its mineral rich and natural state, different companies are using it to manufacture edible salt and as well as the health décor items. Let’s take a look at a couple of Himalayan salt products.

Himalayan salt seasoning:

The primary use of the Himalayan salt is to offer the edibles a balanced taste and also to make a recipe delicious with the Pink salt seasoning collection that is easily available all around the world in food stores. The major reason why you should use the Himalayan seasoning products is that the salt used is pink salt (natural salt without any chemical additives) and all the other herbs and spices also don’t contain and chemicals. The chemicals are what make the table salt an unhealthy option for the people and that is why the critics are against it. So, if you are using the ordinary seasoning collection, then you can start using the Himalayan seasoning today.

Himalayan salt lamps:

The special and healthy features and characteristics of the pink salt have encouraged the manufacturers to think more about this salt version. They have recognized the fact that this salt has much more to offer than just edible salt and seasoning collection. Due to the fact that Himalayan salt can produce the negative ions in a given indoor space, the companies started to manufacturing Himalayan salt lamps that produce the negative ions as a result of a water evaporation process that happens after the light bulb inside the salt lamp heats salt. Salt lamps have become a very popular choice all around the world as people now have an option that can bring style and clear the indoor air of a room from the impurities.

Where to buy salt lamps online:

These lamps are usually available in the health food store, but you can also buy online salt lamps at the manufacturer’s official website or through Amazon or eBay. Before you buy a pink salt seasoning collection or a salt lamp, you can spend some time searching for the most authentic and reliable manufacturers and sellers of the Himalayan salt products as there are also the instances where people are selling the fake goods.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Use Himalayan pink salt for cooking

All around the world, there are different types of salt available; table salt, sea salt, Celtic salt, Himalayan salt (pink salt), and many other versions that are available in the market. Salt is so important for our cooking and also a necessary element for the humans to sustain life. But unfortunately, for a couple of decades, it has come under an immense criticism and that has actually made the people think about it seriously. But we have to make different recipes such as Chinese or the other food that need to have salt there for the balanced taste. Don’t worry; Himalayan Salt is one type that is not under criticism.

Pink salt or table salt:

When the critics are asking us to avoid the table salt, then there is a reason behind it. Actually, after the heavy processing to eliminate the minerals from the salt, it is just a health destroyer for us. The chemical additives and the unnatural state of the salt after heavy processing will bring several health issues and that is why the critics are asking us to stop eating the refined or heavily processed table salt. On the other hand, Natural Himalayan Pink Salt is rich with mineral (having 84 minerals), and unaltered from its original shape that means that it is pure and will not have any bad effects on the health that a chemically processed table salt will have.

Use Himalayan salt for Chinese recipes:

If you are a fan of Chinese recipes, then you should know that it will require the salt in an adequate amount. You cannot find any alternate to the salt and it is a sort of must-to-have thing for your recipe. The seasoning or the pure salt is needed for the perfect taste, but as the critics have started the anti-salt campaigns, it will make you think about the available alternates, but unfortunately, there isn’t any alternate to salt. Himalayan pink salt is here that is a perfect replacement to your refined and heavily processed salt.

Pink version to cook Chinese food:

You can use the pink version to Cook Chinese food Recipes and you just have to do it the same traditional way you cook your recipes. Nothing would be changed apart from switching to the pink version of the traditional table salt. But before you switch to the pink version, you should know why it is important to replace the refined or processed table salt.

Where to buy  pink version?

It isn’t it available on your nearest store? Don’t worry as you can find the Himalayan pink salt from a nearest health food store or you can also go online and buy the pink version online. The manufacturers of the Himalayan pink salt are also selling it online through their online shopping carts or at Amazon and eBay. You just have to Google for it and start enjoying all the benefits of Himalayan pink salt for the healthy life and to avoid the bad effects of the refined salts.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Health Cure with Pink Himalayan Salt

When have to talk about the serious business of the curing then we will have to talk about the salt block that is perceived to be the technically superior way for curing. For a perfect job done, many believe that there is not a better option than using the Himalayan salt blocks and even it might be the single and only way to get this job done. When we talk about the salt block cures, then there are basically 2 main categories for that. First one is the “partial cures”, and the second one is “full cures”.

1. Partial Cures:

The salt will draw out the modest amount of the moisture and it will increase the salinity of your food just sufficient in order to improve the taste and texture and the life of the food will also be extended along with that. That means by partial cures, you can improve the taste and texture as well as the life of the food if you wish to do that.

2. Full Permanent Cure:

In full cures, the salt is brought into the superior contact with the food that will raise the salinity further and draw out the moisture in order to create the cures that will have the more capabilities to last for much longer periods of the time with the proper storage. curing with the Himalayan salt blocks can be a perfect and great experience, but the only thing that you would need to ensure before doing it is to see if you have purchased the original Himalayan salt block or if it is a replica or a low quality product from a seller. The original Himalayan salt blocks are usually available in the health food stores and if you don’t have one nearby, then you can consider visiting the Amazon and eBay to buy the best salt blocks from the top companies.

Quick Health Cure:

With the help of a quick cure, there will be approximately the 10% of the moisture of food that it will lose. If there is a slow cure, then it will have a shift in the moisture lose and it will be like 30% moisture lost, when there is slow cure. You can take Gravlax as an instance of the quick cure, while the beef jerky can be perceived as a perfect instance of a full cure.

Cure with Salt Blocks:

In order to cure with the Himalayan salt blocks, there are the limits on what you can cure using a salt block. For instance, the fermented cures such as the sausage cannot be one of the possibilities because they will not permit necessary distribution or the controlled quantities of the salt. In the fermented cures, the salt efficiency will provide the first barrier against the unwanted bacteria, including salmonella, but it will still allow the growth of the helpful bacteria that is responsible for increasing the acidity (lower pH) adequate in order to slow down the growth of very dangerous and very hearty bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum (food poisoning).

Monday 10 August 2015

WBM International products at amazon

There are a few things that are still considered to be naturally great for the human health. If we talk about the things that have still the same benefits and importance as it holds millions of years before, then the salt will definitely be on that list. Because of the modern day technology, that has also offered us so much convenience, there are many things that have lost their special features that were once considered to be the health friendly. The traditional salt is one of such things that are now heavily processed by the companies that extracts away all of its mineral contents and other healthy features.
Largest Manufacture of Salt lamps

Wbm Salt Lamps at Amazon:

Himalayan salt lamps are an effective way to naturally neutralize the positive ion’s negative effects to make the indoor environment clear from all the allergens, bacteria, and the other viruses for a healthy life. Their capabilities to produce negative ions in the air have to be credited for this healthy act and people are using this unique way to purify their indoor air all around the world.

Pink Salt Cooking Plates:

The salt cooking plates are another good way to promote good health through negative ions in your indoor while cooking and serving your favorite meal on the unique salt cooking plates. However, you will have to read the proper instructions before using the salt cooking plates because the cooking process will not be the same as the traditional cooking. So, read the instructions carefully before start cooking your first experience.

Himalayan Breeze Decorative Fans:

This salt is also used for manufacturing different decorative products such as Himalayan breeze fans that are available in different shapes offering your indoor the breeze of the Himalaya in a stylish way. In fact, there are a number of salt products that can enhance the quality of your lifestyle and promote a healthy environment.

Natural Solution Salt Products: 

If you are looking for a natural solution for the optimal health and enhancing the indoor feel, then you can use the WBM International salt products that will offer you the greatest health benefits in a natural way.  WBM International is a company that is manufacturing the highest quality salt products all around the world and they have a complete array of Himalayan salt products that are available both on the land-based stores and the online stores such as Amazon. So, their products are available worldwide at the Amazon, and if you want to buy the highest quality salt products from every corner of the world, then you can buy the WBM International products from the Amazon anytime.

Friday 7 August 2015

Why natural resources are important:

Technology has definitely offered us the greatest ease today and empowered us to do the complicated and time consuming tasks effectively and in the quickest manner. Look around, you will observe many instances that will be unveiling a lot of potential for the multiple tasks that was never possible a few decades back. But, the interesting thing is that the life of people a few decades prior was so good in terms of health and energy. So, after so many facilities, what things are keeping us away from the good health? It is the unnatural resources that have the dangerous effects on our health.

Natural Resources & Natural Remedies:

For instance, all the electrical appliances and products are a good way to provide us comfort, productivity and the ease, but at the same time, they are playing with our health. The medicines that we use as a cure for one disease might have some side effects that can bring some other health issues. So, what to do? Of course, we cannot avoid such amenities, but what we can do to have a healthy and active life in this modern age that we also call a technological era? there are some natural remedies or natural resources that many people don’t know.

Benefit of using Natural Resources:

The main advantage of using the natural resources is that they will not have any side effects. Anything that is artificial will be chemically treated and that is just not good for the health. We can invent amazing things, but we just can’t replicate the nature. There are the natural products that can be replaced with the artificial products to get the amazing benefits. For instance, use of crystal salt lamps as a replacement to the traditional light lamps because the salt lamps will additionally purify the indoor air while providing the necessary light in your room.

Salt Plates for cooking Food:

You also can use salt plates for cooking that are carved into cooking plates that can be used to cook or serve different meals on it. It will be a great way to cook food using the salt blocks because the Himalayan salt is having 84 minerals, and they can be transferred to your bloodstream for the maximum health benefits. You should avoid the heavily process table salt that will increase your blood pressure and can be the culprit behind many health issues.

Salt with natural minerals:

As an alternate to the heavily processed table salt, the pure and the cleanest Himalayan salt should be a regular part of your diet because it is rich in mineral content and it has the strength to make your body functions work appropriately.  Himalayan salt inhaler is also another good option for the ones who believe in the natural resources for the optimized health. In fact, the Himalayan salt is like a complete health package and you can get advantage of it by using the natural products that are made using the original Himalayan salt. You can Google for more natural resources and the products that are natural and don’t have any side effects.