Monday 10 July 2017

How to reduce the risk of diarrhea and infection

Diarrhea and other intestinal infections are the most widespread diseases of today. Germs, water, outside food and water cause heavy intestinal problems and aches. Protection against germs and all such health effecting bacteria must be done in order to keep a proper health and fitness. You always use your hands for eating and your hands must be washed properly before every meal.

Hand soap that give you enough moisturization:

Every soap and hand wash does not give you a perfect look with germ free protection. For this purpose, always use a hand soap that give you enough moisturization for your skin and also works as the best anti-bacterial soap. Retail Solution now offers the perfect hand wash by Wbm Care that hydrates your skin and on every wash gives you the best protection against germs.

Minimize the risk of eye infections:

Influenza, diarrhea, cough and fever these are the diseases that spread easily and when there are germs everywhere, you always need the special care for your health. Eye infections like trachoma can be minimized when you properly use hand wash. Irritation in eyes, pinkish eyes, itching, light sensitivity and discharge from eyes are the clearest systems of trachoma. This disease spreads from viruses and all virus causing illness can be reduced with regular hand washing.

A hand wash for a perfect hydration:

The complete package that provide you complete hydration and balances your skin tone is Wbm Care Hand Wash range. Wbm Care hand wash moisturize your skin and make an extra layer for germs protection. These hand washes are available in different flavors and packaging. Wbm Care body care products are now available online at Retail Solution!

5 tips to deal with the oily skin in this summer

Summer brings many skin issues with it. Your skin gets dull, oily and extra shiny. It becomes hard for you to maintain yourself in the killing heat of summer. If your skin is oily, then you should worry a little because this type of skin needs special care in summer. Here are different tips and tricks to handle your oily skin in summer.

Never wash your face with cold water:

If you are having an oily skin then never wash your face with cold water. Although you feel coolness and freshness after washing your face but try to use lukewarm water for this purpose. Lukewarm water helps in washing away dirt and impurities from your face and removes oil that may clog your pores.

Cleanse your face daily:

Cleansing of your skin in daily basis is as important as washing your face. Try to cleanse your face with proper and natural face cleanser before going to bed. You may cleanse your face twice a day but do not exceed this limit as it will produce rash on your skin. Wipe your skin after massage with soft facial tissues.

Exfoliate your skin:

Skin exfoliation is the most important practice to remove oil from face. Use a scrub for this purpose but do not massage too much. Do not use Skin exfoliation with scrub is enough 2-3 times a week as it will clean out all the dead skin cells and helps in unclogging your pores. Don’t exceed the limits as it may dry your skin.

Natural remedy gives you natural glow:

Natural or home remedies always help you in cleaning out your pores and remove oil from your face. Natural remedies like multani mitti and use of sandalwood on your face removes all unnecessary oil from your face and give you’re an enchanted look. Home remedies never cause any harm to your skin.

Never go out without facial tissues:

When you go out from the house, always take the Wbm Care Facial tissues with you. These tissues absorb all moisture from your face and give you a shine free matte look. So don’t worry if you have an oily skin. Wbm Care facial tissues always protect you from the oily look. These are skin friendly and leave no rash or inflammation.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

5 salt products that you need to know

WBM International, a leading Himalayan salt health products manufacturer of the world, is popular all among the groups that know the importance of natural health solutions. Many of us have a habit of utilizing the natural products that are intended for the good health. But the main reason behind their popularity is not only their products, there is something else as well that has earned them a tremendous name all around the world.

WBM International is a salt brand:

They are offering the natural remedies for a wide range of health problems via their health blogs, health forums, their social cause alongside but the main reason is definitely their salt manufacturing products such as Himalayan seasoning salt collection, salt lamps, décor fans, fireplace heaters, Himalayan salt air inhalers, Candle holders and many other products like that.

Salt lamps:

Along with the healthy salt products including salt lamps, they are also trying to protect people from several possible health issues that are common, but not addressed properly to the general public through any useful source. There are several common health issues that we don’t even know, but they goes with us all through the life and if left untreated, then they become severe on the upcoming stages.

Eatable HimalayanChef salt:

The salt of Himalaya is famous for its rich minerals content and health healing properties. WBM is utilizing that salt to manufacture the highest quality salt products that range from salt for cooking to the décor products. One of the most popular products that they offer are unique and amazing Himalayan salt lamps that are healthy and environment friendly. Another unique product is Himalayan salt blocks that can be used for flavor and mineral-rich cooking experience and to serve the food in a fashionable way.

The best quality Bamboo Basket:

The best thing about their products is the quality and variety they offer to their clients. For example, the salt lamps are available in different sizes and different shapes such as lantern lamp with crystals of Himalayan salt, bamboo basket with Himalayan salt crystals, salt lamps with aroma light and a few other styles that will catch your attention. The salt blocks that they offer are available in different shapes like a square shape, round shape or a brick-shape block.

Lantern Lamp with the crystals of Salt:

Himalayan salt lantern with salt crystals chunks cleans the surrounding atmosphere and adds a beautiful decoration to the room. Salt chunks are pure and hand carved. The heat form the chunks absorbs moisture and dust particles. Release of negative ions helps in air purification and are best for office cubicle. For room, a lamp can purify air at maximum level.

Why Silicon is not good for your hair?

Silicone are not good for your hair. They create shine to your hair and are not at all good for hair nutrition.  Silicon absorbs the moisture from hair and make them brittle and rough. Silicone in shampoos are the major cause of tangling in hair because of dryness roughness.

Types of silicone used in shampoos:

Major two types of silicone are used in shampoos, water soluble and not water soluble. Non soluble silicone require sulfates in shampoo for rinsing. That is again a bad compound for hair growth whereas the water soluble silicone are easily washed away with water.

Waterproof coating:

Silicone in shampoos are used for instant shining and frizz-free appearance. But behind this frizz-free appearance, they dry out your hairs, make them thin in real and frizzy. This coating is waterproof and don’t allow water to go through the hair skin and provide moisture.

Still what type of silicon you should avoid?

Not every silicon in bad for your hair. Still there are some compounds of silicone you can use easily and benefit your hair. Silicone that are not good at all for your hair are dimethicone. They stick to your hair and not easy to remove but still they are used the most.

Silicon free Wbm Care Shampoo:

WbmCare silicon free shampoo gives you hair a new. You can use it without the tension of hazards of silicon. They give your hair a new life and shine. WbmCare shampoo create a style in your hair and give you a fresh look. WbmCare beauty products are now available online at Retail Solution.

Friday 11 September 2015

Himalayan salt use for health & decoration

Today, when the technology is traveling at a very high pace, it has become very rare to use, or even find the natural products around. And when it comes to salt, then there is a huge criticism going on, on its effect to the human body. When you talk to a doctor about the salt intake, then he will ask you to avoid it as much as you can because higher sodium intake means higher blood pressure and other health issues including heart disease. Actually, the critics were trying to promote the anti-sodium campaigns for the past few years.

Why use Himalayan salt:  

thanks to the Himalayan salt that have emerged from the Himalayan Mountains with its mineral rich and pure nature. The Himalayan Salt is having 84 useful minerals and it comes mostly in a natural pink color that is because of the immense heat and pressure of the mountains and the mineral content. Due to its mineral rich and natural state, different companies are using it to manufacture edible salt and as well as the health décor items. Let’s take a look at a couple of Himalayan salt products.

Himalayan salt seasoning:

The primary use of the Himalayan salt is to offer the edibles a balanced taste and also to make a recipe delicious with the Pink salt seasoning collection that is easily available all around the world in food stores. The major reason why you should use the Himalayan seasoning products is that the salt used is pink salt (natural salt without any chemical additives) and all the other herbs and spices also don’t contain and chemicals. The chemicals are what make the table salt an unhealthy option for the people and that is why the critics are against it. So, if you are using the ordinary seasoning collection, then you can start using the Himalayan seasoning today.

Himalayan salt lamps:

The special and healthy features and characteristics of the pink salt have encouraged the manufacturers to think more about this salt version. They have recognized the fact that this salt has much more to offer than just edible salt and seasoning collection. Due to the fact that Himalayan salt can produce the negative ions in a given indoor space, the companies started to manufacturing Himalayan salt lamps that produce the negative ions as a result of a water evaporation process that happens after the light bulb inside the salt lamp heats salt. Salt lamps have become a very popular choice all around the world as people now have an option that can bring style and clear the indoor air of a room from the impurities.

Where to buy salt lamps online:

These lamps are usually available in the health food store, but you can also buy online salt lamps at the manufacturer’s official website or through Amazon or eBay. Before you buy a pink salt seasoning collection or a salt lamp, you can spend some time searching for the most authentic and reliable manufacturers and sellers of the Himalayan salt products as there are also the instances where people are selling the fake goods.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Use Himalayan pink salt for cooking

All around the world, there are different types of salt available; table salt, sea salt, Celtic salt, Himalayan salt (pink salt), and many other versions that are available in the market. Salt is so important for our cooking and also a necessary element for the humans to sustain life. But unfortunately, for a couple of decades, it has come under an immense criticism and that has actually made the people think about it seriously. But we have to make different recipes such as Chinese or the other food that need to have salt there for the balanced taste. Don’t worry; Himalayan Salt is one type that is not under criticism.

Pink salt or table salt:

When the critics are asking us to avoid the table salt, then there is a reason behind it. Actually, after the heavy processing to eliminate the minerals from the salt, it is just a health destroyer for us. The chemical additives and the unnatural state of the salt after heavy processing will bring several health issues and that is why the critics are asking us to stop eating the refined or heavily processed table salt. On the other hand, Natural Himalayan Pink Salt is rich with mineral (having 84 minerals), and unaltered from its original shape that means that it is pure and will not have any bad effects on the health that a chemically processed table salt will have.

Use Himalayan salt for Chinese recipes:

If you are a fan of Chinese recipes, then you should know that it will require the salt in an adequate amount. You cannot find any alternate to the salt and it is a sort of must-to-have thing for your recipe. The seasoning or the pure salt is needed for the perfect taste, but as the critics have started the anti-salt campaigns, it will make you think about the available alternates, but unfortunately, there isn’t any alternate to salt. Himalayan pink salt is here that is a perfect replacement to your refined and heavily processed salt.

Pink version to cook Chinese food:

You can use the pink version to Cook Chinese food Recipes and you just have to do it the same traditional way you cook your recipes. Nothing would be changed apart from switching to the pink version of the traditional table salt. But before you switch to the pink version, you should know why it is important to replace the refined or processed table salt.

Where to buy  pink version?

It isn’t it available on your nearest store? Don’t worry as you can find the Himalayan pink salt from a nearest health food store or you can also go online and buy the pink version online. The manufacturers of the Himalayan pink salt are also selling it online through their online shopping carts or at Amazon and eBay. You just have to Google for it and start enjoying all the benefits of Himalayan pink salt for the healthy life and to avoid the bad effects of the refined salts.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Health Cure with Pink Himalayan Salt

When have to talk about the serious business of the curing then we will have to talk about the salt block that is perceived to be the technically superior way for curing. For a perfect job done, many believe that there is not a better option than using the Himalayan salt blocks and even it might be the single and only way to get this job done. When we talk about the salt block cures, then there are basically 2 main categories for that. First one is the “partial cures”, and the second one is “full cures”.

1. Partial Cures:

The salt will draw out the modest amount of the moisture and it will increase the salinity of your food just sufficient in order to improve the taste and texture and the life of the food will also be extended along with that. That means by partial cures, you can improve the taste and texture as well as the life of the food if you wish to do that.

2. Full Permanent Cure:

In full cures, the salt is brought into the superior contact with the food that will raise the salinity further and draw out the moisture in order to create the cures that will have the more capabilities to last for much longer periods of the time with the proper storage. curing with the Himalayan salt blocks can be a perfect and great experience, but the only thing that you would need to ensure before doing it is to see if you have purchased the original Himalayan salt block or if it is a replica or a low quality product from a seller. The original Himalayan salt blocks are usually available in the health food stores and if you don’t have one nearby, then you can consider visiting the Amazon and eBay to buy the best salt blocks from the top companies.

Quick Health Cure:

With the help of a quick cure, there will be approximately the 10% of the moisture of food that it will lose. If there is a slow cure, then it will have a shift in the moisture lose and it will be like 30% moisture lost, when there is slow cure. You can take Gravlax as an instance of the quick cure, while the beef jerky can be perceived as a perfect instance of a full cure.

Cure with Salt Blocks:

In order to cure with the Himalayan salt blocks, there are the limits on what you can cure using a salt block. For instance, the fermented cures such as the sausage cannot be one of the possibilities because they will not permit necessary distribution or the controlled quantities of the salt. In the fermented cures, the salt efficiency will provide the first barrier against the unwanted bacteria, including salmonella, but it will still allow the growth of the helpful bacteria that is responsible for increasing the acidity (lower pH) adequate in order to slow down the growth of very dangerous and very hearty bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum (food poisoning).